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Schools & Holiday Programs

First and foremost, Lory park is about education as our mission statement says "Creating a greater conservation awareness among our young".

Therefore our schools tours and programs are taken seriously and with much passion.

We cater for guided and non-guided school groups.


Non-guided tours:

Non-guided is self explanatory, it is a normal visit to the zoo and it is the sole responsibility of teachers and carers to oversee and guide their children through the zoo.


Non-guided tours @ R 90.00 per child


Guided tours include:

  • On arrival large groups with be broken up into smaller groups, each group will have a tour guide.

  • A tour will commence through the entire park, and the tour guide will explain habitat, origin, diet , conservation and interesting facts on the animals.

  • After the tour the pupils are given a break to have their morning snack/lunch. There is also a tuck shop available.

  • After the break, our guides will bring out contact animals where pupils get to touch and experience animals on a more personal level.

    • Please note, that contact animals are not always the same, as it depends on what cubs we have at the time. Also if our reptiles have been fed or are shedding they may not be handled.

  • A short talk will also be done on each animal. Should your class be doing a specific animal in their curriculum and you if you would like us to concentrate on a specific subject, please feel free to inform us when you make your booking, and we will gladly put more emphasis on your specification.

  • Lastly we will have questions and answers.


Guided school tours @ R 95.00 per child

For every 25 children 1 teacher is free.

guided tours are only provided for children 6 years and up. contact sessions can be arranged for younger children.

Unfortunately we do not cater for school tours on a Monday


Please note that in the case of nursery schools or private schools where parents accompany their children on an outing, a normal adult entrance fee will apply.


Please note that we do guided tours for adults provided that groups are 10 or more.

Adult guided tours   -  R 125.00 per person.


Holiday Program:

Lory Park offers a unique and wonderful experience for young children who have a keen interest in animal care and keeping.

Ranger day is an interactive day which gives children the opportunity to experience what it is like to be a zoo keeper.

It is a rigorous day starting at 8am, and includeds cleaning, preparing food and enrichment for the animals, conservation talks and projects. Then last but not least, at the end of a hard day's work, the children get to do some personal encounters with cubs depending on what is available at the time.

Each child will receive a Ranger day passport allowing children to move into different levels and experience different responsibilities through-out the zoo.. Ranger days are held during some school holidays.

  • Ranger days are during school holidays on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,Thursdays and Fridays.

  • Ranger days begin strictly at 8am and ends at 4pm.

  • Children must be between the ages 6  years to 16 years.

  • Rangers must please wear old comfortable clothes and bring a rain jacket incase of rain.

  • No cell phones or cameras will be allowed while working, these will be put in a safe and given at lunch breaks and during encounters.

The cost is R220.00 per day per child, and will include a light lunch of a hotdog, crisps, cooldrink and an ice cream.



Community Service:

Lory park does facilitate community service, however we do charge for the day as we have to get extra staff in to oversee community service children. This money does go towards the care and upkeep of our animals.

The cost is R 200.00 per child per day and does not include lunch.


Community Service is only available on Fridays






All booking forms can be found here

Ranger Day
Ranger Day
Ranger Day
Ranger Day
Ranger Day
Ranger Day
Ranger Day
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